
Upgrade your staycation with St.Georges!

By 26th July 2023 No Comments

Upgrade your staycation

Staycations have become a popular choice for many individuals and families seeking relaxation and rejuvenation without the hassle of traveling. While staying at home provides comfort, there’s no reason why you can’t upgrade your staycation experience and infuse it with some outdoor excitement!

Garden Activities

Start by planning outdoor activities that cater to everyone’s interests and abilities. Organize a picnic in the park, complete with delicious snacks and games like frisbee or catch. Why not even cool down by setting up a mini water park in your backyard, with sprinklers, water guns, and inflatable pools to beat the heat. Head to Poundland for your essentials.

Beach Days Staycation

Don’t forget the classic beach day, where you can build sandcastles, swim in the ocean, and enjoy beach games. Head to Rose Petals for your latest swimming cossie, beach accessories or stylish new flip flops and head to the seaside. Remember to stay hydrated, apply sunscreen, and prioritize safety while enjoying the sun-filled moments with your loved ones!


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